Chiswick School PTA Bids Celebration
18 Oct 2023

Chiswick School PTA Bids Celebration

Anyone at Chiswick School can put in a bid to spend the money we raise (from our monthly car boot sales and other events) on items or activities that enrich students’ experiences. We run this bids process 3 times a year. Here are some examples of successful bids this year:

  • £6000 for Year 7-10 enrichment days
  • £1000 for football kits, £4,500 for wheel away goals, PE department
  • £500 for 6th Form magazine subs
  • £3000 for coaches for university visits
  • £2000 for steel pans and £1200 for orchestral instruments, music department
  • £1700 to subsidise the KS4 History trip to Berlin
  • £6000 for Duke of Edinburgh award licence and equipment
  • £3000 for whole school Oracy project.
We have also helped to fund the Year 13 prom and leavers’ picnic; Year 11 prom; Year 12 summer reading project; screen printing and materials for the art department; Year 13 geography field trip to Cornwall; Year 11 revision guides and GCSE interventions; portable netball goals; table tennis bats; ice skating rewards trip; basketball tickets; guest speakers; Shakespeare theatre tickets; physics equipment; performing arts polo shirts; Childnet sessions; mentoring schemes; Robotics challenge entry; food technology hardship fund; DT enrichment day and much more besides!

With thanks from your PTA Team (

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