Geography A Level Trip
15 Sep 2023

Geography A Level Trip

18 A Level Geography students descended on the sleepy village of Slapton in South Devon in mid- September for a five day residential trip. The purpose of the trip was to support pupils' fieldwork for their upcoming independent investigations as well as giving real life context to the course content.

On the first night we had a significant storm, which surprisingly some students managed to sleep through and on Sunday, there was a month's worth of rain in just one morning. Not to let that dampen our spirits, we did manage to complete coastal fieldwork with a walk along the beautiful Devon coastline complete with fish and chips by the sea, and a trip to the city of Plymouth to conduct urban fieldwork. We met a lot of fantastic locals on our travels and had lovely reports of how great our students are. There were a lot of tired eyes and naps on the way home after an intense five days.

The Field Studies centre is an amazingly professional and slick operation, and it was a huge benefit to these students doing this course. The staff really helped make the trip. A huge thanks goes to Mr Bluer and Ms Tirbhowan for driving the vans all the way there and back, and supporting us on this trip.

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