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Chiswick School is an inclusive mainstream school that values and celebrates the rich diversity of our community. We are committed to ensuring that all students, regardless of their backgrounds, have the opportunity to succeed.

Our focus is on equipping students with the skills and strategies they need to overcome learning challenges, through quality first teaching and strong, supportive pastoral care provided by both internal and external agencies.

We believe in achievement for all children and aim to foster a culture of life-long learning and independent living skills.  To ensure we know how each student is progressing there is a rigorous tracking system. All students regardless of barriers to learning are encouraged to be ambitious and develop their learning and their character.

Please find a link to The SEND Information report.

At Chiswick School, we are committed to delivering the highest standards of quality-first teaching. To ensure our SEND pupils receive the support they need, the majority of our most qualified teachers are timetabled to provide tailored teaching that prioritises inclusivity and excellence.

We have our own Speech and Language Therapist and a part time occupational therapist on site to support students with an EHCP. We also work with external centres who provide specialist support as and when this is required. 

In Key Stage 3 (KS3), support for SEND students extends beyond the classroom through targeted and intensive interventions. These interventions include one-to-one or small group tuition, led by a dedicated SEND teacher who delivers carefully differentiated literacy lessons. High-quality reading groups and skilled teaching assistants further enhance the learning experience, helping students thrive in a nurturing environment. Our aim at KS3 is to provide a strong foundation for SEND learners, enabling them to adapt to secondary education in a supportive and inclusive setting.

At Key Stage 4 (KS4), we offer additional, bespoke interventions to prepare students for their next steps. This includes a Functional Skills pathway, allowing students to achieve an additional Level 2 qualification alongside their GCSE studies.

Our SEND pupils consistently secure placements at a variety of post-16 establishments, with many choosing local colleges offering courses aligned with their interests and abilities. Those who remain in our sixth form frequently progress to university, demonstrating the success of our tailored approach.

The SEND department works collaboratively with parents, teaching staff, and other stakeholders to ensure all SEND students access a broad and balanced curriculum designed to meet their individual needs. Our ultimate goal is to equip every pupil with the skills and confidence to thrive, succeed, and fulfil their potential beyond Chiswick School

The EAL department at Chiswick School champions a vision where all EAL learners rapidly develop their proficiency in reading, writing and speaking in English whilst also participating fully in school activities and becoming active members of the school community. 

We recognise that not being able to speak English can be challenging and overwhelming so have a designated space for all EAL learners in the school where our EAL team is based.  

To provide early support, we collaborate closely with the admissions team, curriculum team leaders, and the pastoral team to identify students’ needs and implement focused interventions. Students new to English are enroled in flash academy, where they develop essential English skills alongside necessary subject specific vocabulary. Students are also given the opportunity to  work in small groups to develop their reading, writing and speaking skills in English, with this including the teaching of phonics where necessary. 

We recognise the  importance of students accessing the full curriculum and we therefore integrate students into aspects of the mainstream curriculum even when they have a stage A proficiency level. We are constantly reviewing students’ timetables and provisions with the aim of ensuring students receive a broad range of subjects as soon as possible. 

Alongside teaching students English we provide them with opportunities to participate in other aspects of school life through supporting them to enrol in school electives like fitness club and badminton. Each year we also work closely with a charity called Time Givers, providing a 6 week cooking course for our EAL learners so they are able to develop their language skills whilst also learning essential cooking skills. 

Recognising the strengths of our EAL students we encourage them to study their home language at GCSE with students achieving GCSEs and/or A Levels in Arabic, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese and Greek

The Chiswick Centre is a short term off-site provision run by members of staff  from Chiswick School. The Centre Manager is Suzanne D’Cruz. 

The Centre is open Monday t0 Thursday from 9.30am-3.00pm and Friday 10.00am - 2.30pm and has  capacity to support a small number of  students at any one time.

The purpose of the Chiswick Centre is  to provide short term, respite  provision for students who are  experiencing challenges at school.  These challenges could be related to  learning, safeguarding, school  attendance, social, emotional and  mental health or behaviour. 

Referrals to the Chiswick Centre are  made by members of the Senior  Leadership Team in consultation with  Learning Coordinators and other  colleagues as needed. The Designated  Safeguarding Lead has oversight of  the referrals and works closely with  the Centre Manager.

Students selected to attend the  Centre might attend for an extended  period of time, a fixed period of time, certain days in the week or certain parts  of the week. Centre staff then work with  the students and their families to meet  individual student needs. The Centre  staff are experienced at working with  outside agencies within Hounslow  borough and other boroughs in order to  remove barriers to learning and  participation the young person might be  experiencing. 

During their time at the Centre students  are supported to access the learning  they would be accessing in the main  school. Students complete learning set  by their teachers via Google Drive and  Google classroom; they complete  independent learning tasks using the  online homework platforms and some  students have access to additional  virtual lessons.

What do our students say about the  support they get at The Chiswick Centre? 

“It’s a good place to concentrate and I  get lots of my work done”. 

“You always feel really welcomed by  the staff, it’s a relaxing and warm place  to be”. 

“It’s helpful to have a break from school  and be in a small classroom with only a  few students and you get a teacher all  to yourself”. 

“The Centre is helping me get back in  school and when I am in school, I am  being really good and have not had any  detentions”. 

“My parents think I have changed a lot  and are proud of how well I am doing in  the Centre and at school”. 


This page will take you to the brand-new Local Offer website, which provides advice, guidance and support for professionals and families with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is now live!  

You can view it here: www.hounslow.gov.uk/send-local-offer 

This website has been produced with the help of the Hounslow Community, including young people, parents/carers and professionals and is a vital resource for families and any professionals working with children and young people with SEND.  

Hounslow are trying to increase awareness of the Local Offer within the community. To ensure parents/carers can access information and support when they need it. 

If you have any further questions about the Local Offer site, please contact Hounslow at thelocaloffer@hounslow.gov.uk