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PSHCE for Parents

PSHCE for Parents

As a PSHCE team we have always wanted to give support to parents and carers regarding the topics we teach.  Each week we are going to produce a 5-10minute presentation for parents which you can listen to when you are cooking, exercising or simply have time to spare. Our team are passionate about educating both pupils and parents/carers on the issues our young people face.

Please feel free to email us at enquiries@chiswickschool.org if you would like us to cover a specific topic. Thanks in advance for listening! Miss Kitteringham and Mr Ubor.

The topic of this episode is sexting/nudes/pics and can be viewed below.

Please view below for our episode about Sleep.

Please view below for our episode about Pornography.

Please view below for our episode about Friendship.

Please view below for our episode about Nitrous oxide / Nos gas. 

Please view below for our episode about Gaming. 

Please view below for our episode about Anxiety. 

Please view below for our episode about Extremism.

Please view below for our episode about Knife Crime.