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ECT Opportunities

ECT Opportunities

Early Career Teachers (ECTs) at Chiswick School participate in the Early Career Framework in partnership with University College London (UCL). This offers a high quality professional development programme consisting of nine modules via a blend of self study, mentor support and face to face events.

At Chiswick we facilitate ECT training for other schools, which means ECTs from across the borough come and meet each half term. This is a real highlight as completing your induction with us, means you get to collaborate and learn from ECTs working in different settings. 

All ECTs are allocated a mentor who plays a key role in supporting their progress and development through their induction period. Mentors, like ECT’s are fully supported in their role and use the principles of Instructional Coaching and Onside mentoring; a strongly evidenced model of support for improving teacher practice.  Mentors have access to high quality CPD materials and attend training events to ensure they are fully equipped to undertake the role.

For further details and/or, to arrange a visit please contact enquiries@chiswickschool.org.
