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School Uniform Checklist

The wearing of uniform indicates pride in personal appearance, acceptance of shared goals and support for the values Chiswick School seeks to achieve. Uniform creates a sense of community. Parents are asked to support the school in their efforts to maintain a high standard of dress by being aware of the uniform rules, ensuring appropriate clothing is bought when it is to be used for school and encouraging and maintaining their child in the dress code of the school. Parents should also ensure that all items are labelled with the child's name.

Uniform Rules

Blue blazer with Chiswick logo

Compulsory- must be worn at all times unless given permission by an adult to remove.


Of the correct year group and 5 double stripes must be seen

Sky blue long-sleeve shirt / short-sleeve shirt

Fully buttoned to the neck and tucked in to either trousers, skirts or shorts at all times

Grey trousers/Grey skirt/ Shorts

Skirts must be worn as designed, not rolled up and no more than a hand length above the knee.  No tube-style skirts.

Black, blue, grey, white or neutral socks/tights

Socks or tights should be worn, not both. No leg warmers or socks above the knees.

Black low heeled shoes 

No trainers or boots.

Plain dark outside jacket

Jackets are for outdoor use only and should be removed before entering the building. Failure to do so will lead to confiscation.

Chiswick School bag 

Compulsory for all students Year 7-11. Failure to have  Chiswick Bag will result in students using a temporary bag until new one purchased
Current Year 7 navy + light blue stripes
Current Year 8 navy + maroon stripes
Current Year 9 navy + silver stripes
Current Year 10 navy + mustard stripes
Current Year 11 navy + green stripes
  • ‘V’ neck pullover, sleeveless pullover, and cardigan – all navy blue with sky blue piping around the collar and school logo,
  • Blue, black or grey hijab

If a student arrives in school with incorrect uniform, they will be expected to accept the offer of a correct uniform.

They may also be sent home to change into the correct dress. Trainers are only to be worn for PE unless we are provided with a doctor’s certificate giving a medical explanation.

General Uniform Rules

  • No dyed, or multi-coloured hair or styles that are offensive e.g. partially graphic shaved into hair.  
  • Painted or acrylic nails are not permitted. 
  • False eyelashes  or heavy make up are not permitted. 
  • Henna: henna on nails is not permitted. For celebrations during term time, patterns which can be covered with uniform are permitted.
  • Jewellery/ Piercings: no jewellery may be worn in school with the exception of a watch (which is not a SMART watch) and a pair of gold or silver plain studs at the bottom of each earlobe.
  • Eyebrow slits are not permitted. You will be sanctioned and asked to take responsibility for filling it in. Failure to do so will result in sanction escalation.
  • No nose piercings are allowed.

Summer Uniform Rules

Uniform remains the same all year round but in hot weather, blazers will become optional once instructed by the Headteacher.

Chiswick School Uniform & Equipment Rules

All uniform items can be bought from our preferred supplier, Sanco Schoolwear in Hounslow. Non branded items of uniform can of course be bought from other retailers but please ensure that no items of clothing contravene the school uniform policy.

Ties can be purchased via Parentmail and collected from Student Services.

Sanco Schoolwear

Purchasing uniform from Sanco Schoolwear can be done via their online platform, or by visiting the shop.  Please allow plenty of time if purchasing at peak periods, ie before the beginning of a term.

Purchasing Online

Parents/carers can order from the Sanco website 24/7. To do so, please visit the Chiswick School page on their website: -


Visiting the Store

Alternatively, to visit the store you will need to make an appointment. You can do so via the link below.


The appointments are for 10 or 20 minutes. 

Secondhand Uniform

Second hand uniform sales are held termly at the school by the PTA. For more details email enquiries@chiswickschool.org.

(available from SWI only)
Girls and Boys
  • T-shirt, blue with Chiswick logo (SWI)
  • Blue shorts (SWI)
  • Blue socks (SWI)
  • Trainers/Football boots
Optional extras
  • Navy jogging pants
  • Blue half zip (fleece) top with Chiswick logo (SWI)
  • Blue rugby style top (SWI)

PE kit must be ordered through SWI Schoolwear. 

Order PE Kit Online