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Examinations & Assessments

Examinations and assessments are an essential part of a student’s school life. This page provides important information for students and parents in the lead up to their GCSE, GCE and Pre-Public examinations. If you have any queries relating to exams at Chiswick, please contact the Exams Officer, Miss Young

GCSE, A Level and Vocational Results Day

A letter will be sent out to parents and carers nearer the time detailing dates and collection times.

It is strongly recommended that students attend on results day, however if a student is unable to attend there are two options available for them to receive their results.

  1. Provide a pre-stamped envelope with their address. These will be posted on as defined by JCQ regulations.
  2. Email Miss Young (from the students school email address) confirming the name of the person they have nominated to collect their results.

Without the students' written permission, we will not be able to release their results to family or friends.

Please click on the expandable sections below to view useful information for candidates and access to past papers.

Academic Success

"Our aim is to achieve exceptional academic success for every student through excellence in learning."

Read about our academic success here and celebrate stories of achievement with us.