28 Sep 2023

PTA Update

Welcome to New Parents

We were delighted to support the Year 7 Meet the Tutor evening in September, providing refreshments and speaking to lots of new parents and carers about life at Chiswick School. Thank you to everyone who said hello, and stayed to hear a little about the fundraising and community work we do - special thanks to those who have already joined our list of volunteers to help at events and the Car Boot sales.

Upcoming PTA Events

Chiswick Car Boot Sales: 5th November & 3rd December (6am - 12.30pm)

Bids’ Meeting: Thursday 5th October 6.30pm (online)

Please join us (online) for our first bids’ meeting of the year, on Thursday 5th October, where we will meet with the Senior leaders to discuss this term’s funding bids and agree how to allocate funds. Everyone is welcome (link will be shared nearer the date).

Parents’ Forum and Social: Monday 6th November 6pm - 8pm

Our first Parent Forum and Social of the year, on 6th November, is open to all parents and carers (an RSVP google form will be shared soon, via email); it is a wonderful chance to connect with other parents and members of staff, as well as hearing more about specific aspects of school life from the Senior Leadership Team, and the fundraising work of the PTA.

August and September Car Boot Sales

A huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported the car boot sales in August and September. In particular our incredible volunteers (made up of parents, past and present) who worked in really challenging conditions and with unprecedented numbers of vehicles. We had two of the busiest sales we’ve had in years, with over £18,000 being raised from just these two sales!!! INCREDIBLE.

We are always looking for new parents/carers to join our wonderful team of volunteers, so please get in touch if you can help. It is a wonderful way to meet other parents and members of our school community - while raising invaluable funds for the Chiswick School PTA Charity.

Don’t forget, you can also support the car boot sales by coming along as a buyer or a seller - see our website for details: We also have paid slots for Sixth Form students, and for Chiswick students who are the children of volunteers.

Stay Connected

To join our volunteers list, or if you would like to join your child’s year group WhatsApp group, please email us. These groups are managed by PTA reps, and are used to connect parents, share PTA information and news of upcoming PTA and Performing Arts events. Email us at:

We are also on Instagram and X (Twitter) and try to update these regularly. Please follow us if you use these platforms.

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