BackYour PTA needs you!
he Chiswick School PTA raises funds for the school largely through our monthly car boot sales. The famous Chiswick Car Boot takes place in the grounds of the school from 7am - 12.30pm on the first Sunday of every month (except January) and each year raises an amazing £80,000 for our students. It’s hugely popular with both buyers and sellers, with some people queuing from midnight to get their favourite pitch! The money raised is spent on enrichment activities such as school trips, careers workshops, science fairs and the allotment beekeeping project, as well as major purchases such as the school minibus, microscopes, computers and stage lighting.
We are always looking for volunteers to help out at the Car Boot - you don’t need any experience, just enthusiasm! Volunteers usually sign up for a three hour shift between 6am and 3pm and jobs include directing sellers where to park, taking money on the door and clearing up afterwards. It’s actually great fun (honestly!) and is a fantastic way to get to know other parents and friends of the school. Some people help out every month, others do one or two shifts a year. Everyone gets invited to the end of year party! Students can volunteer to do the clear-up shift from 1-3pm and are paid £15. This is much sought after and preference is given to children whose parents volunteer at the same sale. If you think you can join us, either next month or later in the year, please do drop an email to:
The PTA also organises: second hand uniform sales; social events such as our Quiz Night (Thursday 19 March 2020); and refreshment stalls at school performances. Every term we also arrange a bids meeting, where staff, students and parents can bid for the money raised by the Car Boot Sale, and a Parents’ Forum where Laura and members of her Senior Leadership Team are available to answer your questions. We can also co-ordinate volunteers to help work with our allotment team or with the English department’s reading support scheme. We are planning a Year 7/8 social for later in the year (postponed from 30 Jan) so our newer parents can get to know each other. If you’re interested in any or all of these activities, or have any ideas for future events, we would really love to hear from you. Please message us at:
Finally, a simple way to help out is to do your online shopping through and choose Chiswick Community School as your cause. You can shop with over 4,000 retailers including John Lewis, Argos, Debenhams, and many airlines, all of whom will donate a percentage of your spending to the school when you shop using easy fundraising.
Vernee Samuel (Chair); Lesley Tulley (Secretary); Rebecca Hobson (Treasurer); Lise Madsen (Car Boot Team)