Year 9 Geography Trip to Bognor Regis
7 Nov 2023

Year 9 Geography Trip to Bognor Regis

During the first half term, Year 9 had been learning all about our dynamic coastlines - how they change and how we manage this change. Our recent trip to Bognor Regis was a chance for Year 9 to see all this in action and carry out, what was for many of our students, their first physical geography field work.

Our goal was to see how long shore drift operates along the coast in Bognor Regis and how this influences the shape of the beach. We measured the angle of the beach using clinometers. The beach has quite a steep angle as the profile has changed a lot during the recent storms that had eroded the coast. We measured each side of the groynes that protect Bognor Regis. We were able to see that the longshore drift transported sediment from the South West. We conducted a land use survey as well. As groynes are very expensive, they are usually only built in areas that have high value - the land use survey showed us that there were a lot of shops, tourist attractions, homes and accommodation to protect along the Bognor Regis coastline.


We had a fantastic time and are really thankful for the additional staff that helped come along for the trip. Without the numbers of people to help - we just can’t simply take that many students out so it was appreciated by all of Year 9 and Team Geography as well. We are also appreciative of Richard and Andy from Leoline, who drove us down both days to Bognor Regis.

The weather was chilly but on Tuesday, X side had perfect blue skies and calm waves. Y side on Friday however had crashing waves and a blustery day. As it was a bit colder and very windy on Friday Y side thought it only fair to enjoy the seaside tradition of getting some chips (and attracting the attention of the local seagulls). There was also a real buzz on the coaches on the way home after some successful wins at the arcade on the pier.

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