Back3D Design and Textiles trip to the V&A Museum
On Wednesday 5th October, a group of Year 11 3D Design, and Year 11 and 13 Textiles students went on a trip to the V&A Museum. During the visit, students explored a wide range of galleries, including Architecture, Glass, Islamic Design and Fashion to gain inspiration for their coursework projects. Students took photographs and created observational drawings of the artefacts in order to demonstrate their ability to record ideas.
I was able to get inspiration about mosaics and shadows for my lamps and lighting project. - Grant, Year 11
The V&A trip helped to open up my mind to further inspirations I could use in my 3D Design work. - Ethan, Year 11
I liked the fashion section and also the Chinese and Japanese sections. This will help me in both Textiles and Art. - Violet, Year 11
My favourite sections were the Japanese gallery and glass. I particularly liked the Japanese paintings. - Georgie, Year 11