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20 Nov 2020

Anti-bullying Week

At Chiswick, we wanted to raise awareness yet again about bullying and its impact on society with a week full of assemblies and talks. The theme this year was ‘United Against Bullying’ and our aim was to show how the united voice of people is powerful against bullying. We know worldwide this is a huge issue and ensuring we all play our part helps us to make the world a better place, one person at a time!

Students learnt about the law changes and how they could help raise awareness and ensure all students feel safe in school and know who to talk to about any worries.

We have recruited five anti-bullying mentors which is great! They spent the week planning ways in which we can all be heard and how to spread awareness in their year groups - they are all wearing their badge with pride after extensive training and tests!

We held our ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Friday 20th November and raised money for the Anti-Bullying Alliance. The Year 7s really blew us away showing us how being individual is something to be celebrated.

You can watch this year's anti-bullying campaign below.

All concerns about bullying should be reported to a teacher or to our email address: because at Chiswick we stand ‘United Against Bullying’.

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