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Reporting Absences
Reporting an absence, Years 7 - 11
We expect students to be in school on time, every day. If there are any issues preventing them from attending, parents/carers must phone the school on each day of absence on 0208747 6655 before 8.30am, stating the name, year, tutor group and the reason.
Also, If your child is going to be late into school/or they need to leave school early for any reason, please provide them with a covering note or call Student Services.
If your child is absent, and we do not receive a message as to why they are absent, you will be given a truancy call at some stage during the morning. It is imperative that you respond to this, otherwise your child’s absence will be unauthorised. The decision to authorise an absence is entirely at the school’s discretion.
Chiswick School has an Attendance Officer who will contact parents and carers if need be, and who works with families where there are concerns about attendance. There is a very clear link between attendance at school and maximising attainment therefore, the school is committed to ensuring that students attend every day.
We also remind families that holidays should be taken in school holiday time.
Sixth Form Attendance Line
We expect sixth form students to be in school on time, every day. If there are any issues preventing them from attending, parents/carers must phone the school on each day of absence on 020 8747 6642 before 8.30 am, stating the name, year group and the reason.
Students should also email their subject teachers to notify them of their absence.